Friday, November 19, 2010

What inspires Me

I was looking around on youtube and I found a really interesting video that demonstrates how the smallest cell inside our body is made up of even small life. . Basically the video really inspired my thought process and really got me thinking.

For my inspiration idea I received a link to a youtube video. The video was of a live Daft Punk show performing Bigger Faster Stronger Harder and it was amazing. The way I was inspired was to learn how to create one of my favorite types of music which is Dubstep. I already do some electronic music, but I have never known how to make dubstep and I was really excited to learn. So for my project I have attached a 33 sec. long song that I created.

I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Class Response 11/15

Yesterday's class time was very interesting. Like you said most of the projects (including my own) could have used a little more...something. I will definitely take my project and go further with  it. I think most people did have a good start to "good" projects but they all could have used more work. I am also excited for next week's project. I am not sure yet what I am going to use to inspire me but I will come up with something soon.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Who the Hell do you think you are?

For this assignment I never actually made it to the exhibit at Herron but I did look at pictures online and I was inspired. It looked really interesting and I really regret not being able to make it to class last week. For this week I was inspired to do something that really represented something about me. So.......I took all of the old tubes that I have blown over the past year and wrapped them into a giant ball. It actually turned out really cool!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Class response 11/8/10

Unfortunately I missed class today due to illness. I have been down all weekend with an ear infection and fever. I am going to try to make over to Herron so I can make something for next week.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Class Response 11/1

My initial reaction when I read the first part of the assignment was definitely anxiety. I felt very nervous thinking about finals coming up so soon. After I read a little more I started to calm down a little. I really think that this assignment is a good one, and also much needed after my busy weekend. Well now I am going to get to thinking about the final project.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

What is it????

My only guess for the mystery package that we saw in class is that it is a package of "junk e-mail." I think the whole purpose of this exercise to expand our brains into a new way of thinking. While I was examining the package my brain went through every possible option conceivably possible. At first I was thinking it was propaganda, or information to join a cult. However I am still drawing a blank on what it actually could be.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Class Response 10/25

Today's class was pretty interesting. Some of the projects were really good. I really have no idea at all what the mystery package's contents are. I really don't even have a guess. I think it's just junk mail, lot's and lot's of junk mail.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


So I was thinking about what in the world I was going to do for this project and I decided to do something halloween inspired. Then I thought, "why don't I carve a pumpkin and write seeing sideways on it." Well I know what your thinking, boring right? So I thought, how can I put a New Media twist on a classic tradition? Then it hit me, carve a pumpkin and use my iphone screen as the face of the jack o lantern. So I got to carving and found a cool jack o lantern video on youtube, and I think it turned out really cool.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Class Response 10/11

Unfortunately I didn't have the resources to complete my project.

Altogether today's class discussion went really well. I think people presented very intellectual thoughts and ideas even though I didnt agree with everything. However I never felt compelled enough to fully disagree with someone and vocally dispute them.I saw pretty much everyone's side. Actually I didn't really feel anyone really conflicted too much. I actually really enjoyed today.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's Really Important to ME.

I spent a lot time thinking about my what was really important to me. I was raised in church my whole life. I attended church 3 times a week until I moved out of my parents home. I recently started attending church again. I never lost faith with god, I just didn't attend church. So I would have to say the thing that does mean the most to me would be belief in god. I have always held it close to my heart.

For my creation I was thinking about creating a cross from wood and carrying it with me on campus. It would sort of be a symbol of my faith and a way of witnessing to other people about god. I really think it would be a very strong, almost extreme testament to my faith.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Class Response- 10/4

Today's class was a lot of fun. I feel like we all had very good discussions whether it was about fear, religion, or just current events. All of the Fear Presentations that went today turned out really good, however there were a couple that I think could have maybe tried a little more to make their project better. Overall it was a very good class meeting.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

FFEEAARR!!!! muhahahaha...........................................

For the fear assignment I started by exploring the idea of what makes me scared and the idea of using fear against someone. One of my greatest fears would be food. We really have no idea what goes into our food or what we consume everyday. I am especially fearful of this because I am such a picky eater. I have had countless times where I bite into a huge chunk of some undesirable something inside my sandwich and I wanted to lose my lunch. So this brought me to my experiment, which is the fear of the unknown.

For my experiment I think the class will be very apprehensive to go along with my plan. I think some of the people will very willing to go along with what I ask them to do, but others will be very scared.


For my experiment I blindfolded 3 volunteers and made them stick their hands inside something they had no idea what it was.

Just as I suspected of my three volunteers, they all acted about the same. As soon as I blindfolded them, they became a lot more apprehensive to reach their hands into the creation. This is actually a very scary thing. The fear of the unknown is very scary.

The results I came up with were very close to what I had very much predicted.
If I were to change the experiment I might have made them eat it without looking and see how squeamish they really are. If I did change it though I might have had three puking volunteers.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Class Response 9/20/10

                I have heard that today's class was a very good discussion. Unfortunately I was unable to make it to the discussion due to unforeseen circumstances and I had to cover a shift at work.
               On a better note I am really looking forward to tackling the fear assignment. Fear is definitely one of our most powerful emotions and I know this first hand from an experience I had over the summer break. I really do not want to share the details but I can definitely say that it was a life changing experience.  

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I sense a change on the wind...............

      For creating my new sense I really had no idea what to do. So what I did to think of something was just think about things that cause me problems in real life. The only thing I could think of was on Friday I wrecked my bike delivering for my job at Jimmy John's because I clipped my handlebar on someone's side rear view mirror. So this gave me a really good idea for a sense.
      My idea was to have a one or two second inkling into the future if something is about to cause you pain or danger. This is sort of like Spiderman's spideysense. I really think this would be a very useful sense and could help people live a much longer and happier life.

Monday, September 13, 2010

4th Week (3rd Class Meeting)

Today we had a pretty interesting conversation. I really am started to look at things from a different perspective. I also enjoy the way that this class is set up, it makes me actually look forward to attending. I also really like the new assignment about creating a new sense. I have a lot of ideas, but I'm not sure which one I want to use.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


   Over the past week I went to the Mall here in the city, Cirle Centre. The things that I noticed the most were people walking around confused trying to find a certain store. I also noticed the maps in the mall are not very helpful at all.
   My idea would be to put VR "caves" in various spots in the Mall to replace the maps. You could actually be shown or directed to the store or restaurant you are trying to find. A guide could actually walk you through the exact way to get where you need to, plus you could pay a fee and actually shop a store without ever actually entering it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Second Class Meeting

So yesterday we all walked over to the IT building to take a tour of the UITS side of the building, and it was awesome. I really enjoyed learning about 3-Dimensional or stereoscopic television, I have been interested in this technology. I also really enjoyed playing in virtual reality in the cave. After getting to experience what we did it definitely reminds me why I am going into the field that I am. I love NEW MEDIA!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Egg Project- "Egg Drop"

I took 4 eggs and poked holes in the top. Then I took food coloring and added that to the yoke. I gave them all a nice shake, and then I threw them at a canvas. I had so much fun doing this project.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Class Meeting

         Today was our first class meeting and it was really interesting. I am really excited to see what this class has to offer. I really have an open mind to furthering my creativity and I really believe that this could have the potential to do it for me. I really do think this will be an exciting and enjoyable class. Through our discussions today alone I am starting look and consider things differently.