Sunday, September 26, 2010

FFEEAARR!!!! muhahahaha...........................................

For the fear assignment I started by exploring the idea of what makes me scared and the idea of using fear against someone. One of my greatest fears would be food. We really have no idea what goes into our food or what we consume everyday. I am especially fearful of this because I am such a picky eater. I have had countless times where I bite into a huge chunk of some undesirable something inside my sandwich and I wanted to lose my lunch. So this brought me to my experiment, which is the fear of the unknown.

For my experiment I think the class will be very apprehensive to go along with my plan. I think some of the people will very willing to go along with what I ask them to do, but others will be very scared.


For my experiment I blindfolded 3 volunteers and made them stick their hands inside something they had no idea what it was.

Just as I suspected of my three volunteers, they all acted about the same. As soon as I blindfolded them, they became a lot more apprehensive to reach their hands into the creation. This is actually a very scary thing. The fear of the unknown is very scary.

The results I came up with were very close to what I had very much predicted.
If I were to change the experiment I might have made them eat it without looking and see how squeamish they really are. If I did change it though I might have had three puking volunteers.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Class Response 9/20/10

                I have heard that today's class was a very good discussion. Unfortunately I was unable to make it to the discussion due to unforeseen circumstances and I had to cover a shift at work.
               On a better note I am really looking forward to tackling the fear assignment. Fear is definitely one of our most powerful emotions and I know this first hand from an experience I had over the summer break. I really do not want to share the details but I can definitely say that it was a life changing experience.  

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I sense a change on the wind...............

      For creating my new sense I really had no idea what to do. So what I did to think of something was just think about things that cause me problems in real life. The only thing I could think of was on Friday I wrecked my bike delivering for my job at Jimmy John's because I clipped my handlebar on someone's side rear view mirror. So this gave me a really good idea for a sense.
      My idea was to have a one or two second inkling into the future if something is about to cause you pain or danger. This is sort of like Spiderman's spideysense. I really think this would be a very useful sense and could help people live a much longer and happier life.

Monday, September 13, 2010

4th Week (3rd Class Meeting)

Today we had a pretty interesting conversation. I really am started to look at things from a different perspective. I also enjoy the way that this class is set up, it makes me actually look forward to attending. I also really like the new assignment about creating a new sense. I have a lot of ideas, but I'm not sure which one I want to use.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


   Over the past week I went to the Mall here in the city, Cirle Centre. The things that I noticed the most were people walking around confused trying to find a certain store. I also noticed the maps in the mall are not very helpful at all.
   My idea would be to put VR "caves" in various spots in the Mall to replace the maps. You could actually be shown or directed to the store or restaurant you are trying to find. A guide could actually walk you through the exact way to get where you need to, plus you could pay a fee and actually shop a store without ever actually entering it.